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Beech – Year 1

Welcome to Beech - Year 1!

Autumn Term

Settling in

We are so proud of every person in Beech class for the way they have settled in to life in Year 1. We have ensured that the transition from Early Years into Year 1 is a smooth one, by creating an outdoor space filled with learning opportunities that link to our curriculum. The children love being able to move from the classroom to the outdoors freely, and this has already proven to be a real success.

Below are some photographs that show the children taking part in both their formal lessons, and accessing the continuous provision (learning through play).


Forest school

Beech class have now begun their weekly Forest School sessions! Our first visit to Forest School this week was linked to spirituality and maths.

The children used a mix of natural found objects (twigs, leaves and stones) to count groups of objects accurately, and some children took on further challenges to compare quantities.

We then took some time to be mindful and show an awareness of our surroundings. We thought about what we could see, hear, smell and feel around us.

Although the weather was drizzly and our wellies got muddy, we had a fantastic time out in the fresh air!


Topic homework

Thank you to all of the families that have supported their children to create such fantastic topic homework this term. Our role play areas have really been brought to life with the children’s creations.

Meet The Teacher Slides
