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Willow - Year 5

Welcome to Willow - Year 5!



Autumn Term

Willow class have kick-started the year with excitement in science lessons. As part of our 'Living things and their habitats' unit, we have created worm farms to answer the question: 'Can healthy worms thrive in an artificial habitat?' We will know if we have been successful by measuring whether the worms grow and reproduce. This week we set up our worm farms and tried our luck at worm charming in our forest school area.

Spring Term

Young Voices

After months of rehearsals, Year 5 took to the stage at the O2 Arena in London! They performed alongside 4000 children from other schools to a full audience. They danced and sang brilliantly and impressed their teachers with their positive attitudes and enthusiasm for the day. It was an unforgettable experience to not only perform at a world-class venue, but also with Natalie Williams, MC Grammar, Nandi Bushell and Urban Strides. Well done, Year 5!


History Visit 


As part of our history unit on ‘Elsenham’s past’, Year 5 were lucky to have a visit from our very own Mrs Samuel, who used to work in the world-famous Elsenham Jam factory. The children were gripped as Mrs Samuel told them about how the jam was traditionally made by hand, the burning down of the factory as well as her prestigious award and lunch with Queen Elizabeth II. Learning that Sir Walter Gilbey founded and built the factory was also a highlight, especially for Gilbey house team. The children discussed that Mrs Samuel was a primary source of evidence for something that happened in the past. Next lesson, the children will create secondary sources of information when they write newspaper reports detailing the respected award won in Elsenham. What a history our small village has!

Spring Term - Geography!

We have dived into our geography unit by looking at maps and learning how to use an atlas. Many of us were astounded that people used to use physical maps to find their way around and we discussed how different pages of the atlas were just like pinching to zoom on Google Maps! We will be advancing our map reading skills by learning how to use 6 figure grid references as well as comparing new and old maps of Elsenham!

Summer Term


In music, we have been working on rhythm and improving our understanding of notes in a scale. As an ensemble, we played ‘Believer’ by Imagine Dragons using glockenspiels, boom whackers and drums. Our accuracy with keeping to the beat has hugely improved and we especially loved the drum part! Next, we will be improvising our own rhythms to the song!


When learning about friction, we found out that it isn’t just about testing cars and ramp surfaces … Friction covers a range of forces, like air resistance and water resistance. We have been experimenting with different sized parachutes to see how aerodynamics affect the resistance of air particles. In the photo, we designed an experiment to test water resistance using BluTac, water, containers and stopwatches. Our dependent variable was the ‘submarine’ (BluTac), which we moulded into different shapes that were either streamlined or not. Despite getting the classroom a bit wet, we discovered that the more hydrodynamic (streamlined) the shape, the faster it would travel in water.

Meet the Teacher slides
