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Sycamore - Year 3

Welcome to Sycamore - Year 3!

Autumn Term

Sycamore class have kicked off the Autumn term with lots of fantastic, creative and imaginative work!

We arrived in class on our first week to our wonderful self-portraits staring back at us! These were completed on our transition day in July and they look great on display!

Guided reading

We have just finished our first text: Stone-Age Boy by Satoshi Kitamura. This beautifully illustrated story tells the tale of a young boy who walks through the woods and falls down a hole… into the Stone Age!

He meets a young Stone-Age girl called Om and, with her help, discovers lots about Stone Age people and their way of life. He lands back in the modern day with a thud, questioning if his prehistoric experience was real or just a vivid dream.

Sycamore demonstrated their understanding of this story and their historical knowledge through a story map!


In Religious Education, we have been looking at how people show their devotion to God and ways in which we can show our loyalty and devotion to things we believe in. A perfect story to demonstrate this is the tale of Noah’s Ark.

We thought about the qualities Noah needed to have to carry out God’s wishes!


In English, we have been learning about Aesop’s fables. These are stories passed down through generations with a very important message, or moral, at the end.

So far, we have looked at The Hare and the Tortoise, The Fox and the Crow, The boy who cried wolf and The Lion and the Mouse.

We have had a focus on oracy too, acting out the stories and putting actions to words so that it was easier to remember them when rewriting our alternative endings.

Here are our storyboards for The Lion and the Mouse; a very important story about treating others how you wish to be treated!

Meet The Teacher
