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Registered Charity No. 28872











We would like to offer you a very warm welcome to Elsenham C. of E. Primary School and introduce you to FOES - who we are and what we do.


Friends of Elsenham School are the school’s PTA committee. We meet throughout term time to plan and organise many of the extra family events that we believe every child should be entitled to experience throughout their school days. The committee is currently run by Chair Louise Judd, a mum of two at the school who is also a busy secondary school teacher. It is definitely a team effort with a strong group driving fundraising benefiting the school community. FOES meetings can be attended by any parent/carer who would like to hear plans or contribute fundraising ideas.


FOES ensure that every pupil is offered the chance to take part in social, fun and traditional events that we all remember as children ourselves. Our aim is to create happy school life memories for each and every one of the children here at Elsenham School. Events such as the School Discos, Christmas, Easter and Summer Fetes, as well as class cake bake sales and family nights such as Bingo are the responsibility of the FOES committee to arrange annually. The benefits continue for years to come with the money raised going directly back to support the pupils. Items on the Wish List previously purchased (that the school budget couldn’t stretch to) include the beautiful wooden Pirate ship on the school playing field and a class set of i-Pads.


Of course, we can only make these special times happen by calling upon help from fellow parents/carers/family members and any time volunteered is greatly appreciated. Not only does it show our children what can be achieved by working together, it really does bring the school community closer. Either sparing an hour or two to help out at an event for example setting up, manning a stall or clearing away; any hidden talents such as face painting or creating a new stall; baking a cake or making contact with any businesses, who would be willing to donate raffle prizes, is all invaluable and without this helping hand, we cannot function!


We wish your child every success in their first year, and indeed throughout their time at Elsenham School, and look forward to meeting you all soon.

