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Sporting news

Year 5/6 Dodgeball

On Wednesday 22nd November, some children from Year 5 and 6 competed in the Uttlesford Dodgeball Competition at JFAN. Both teams won their groups with one team going through to the County Final. The children represented our school brilliantly and we were so proud of their enthusiasm and sportsmanship. A big thank you to Mrs Fidell for her invaluable help and support.
Well done Forrest, Peyton, Diego, Elsie, Jack, Cicely, Henry, Emily, Dexter, Ella, Max and Rose- you are all stars!



KS1 Inclusion Event

On Wednesday, Sebastian, Livia and Julian attended the KS1 Inclusion Event. They had a wonderful time competing in activities such as football, curling, trampolining, throwing and catching. They were an absolute pleasure to spend the morning with and they represented Elsenham so well. We were very proud of their amazing ‘can do’ attitudes. Well done!



Years 3/4 Sportshall Athletics

On Wednesday 29th November, 18 children from Year 3 and 4 participated in the Uttlesford Indoor Athletics Competition. They all performed brilliantly, won the competition and are now through to the finals. Miss Verlander and Mrs Carruthers were extremely proud of their sportsmanship and enthusiasm. Thank you to the parents who helped on the day, your support is invaluable. Well done to you all - you were stars!



On Wednesdays, some children from Elsenham have been participating in gymnastics sessions at Stortford Gymnastics. At the end of Spring 1, the gymnasts received certificates for their amazing skills and resilience. We were very proud of them and the progress they have made. Well done to Theo, Jake, Charlie, Riley, Lacey, Rosemary, Lexi and Murphy.
- The Hub Team


Cross Country

On Wednesday 28th February, children in KS2 that previously qualified for the finals went to Carver Barracks to race against Saffron Walden, Stansted, Dunmow and our local Newport family schools in this years Cross Country finals. Despite the cold and windy weather and being up against some really tough competition all children showed individual perseverance, resilience and determination in their races! A massive thank you to Miss Monger and the parents of of Evie H, Emily and Ava A, Bodie and Seb J!


Year 3/4 Tag Rugby

On Thursday 7th, some children from Year 3 and 4 attended the Tag Rugby Final Tournament at Carver Barracks. The children played exceptionally well and came third in their competition group. It was a fantastic event and the children represented our school very well. Well done to Arthur, Evren, Reggie, Evan, Jack, Bodie, Harry, Connor, Hugo, Dotty, Sylvia, Isla and Ava. You all shone like the stars that you are.

Thank you to Arthur’s dad, Sylvia’s dad, Evan’s mum and Jackie Drake who were a great help on the day.

High5 Netball

On Wednesday 6th March, some children from Year 5 and 6 competed in a High5 Netball competition at Joyce Frankland. The children won all of their games and, therefore, were crowned the champions! Their commitment and efforts in training have definitely paid off.
Well done to Elsie, Rosie, Ella, Verity, Georgie, Florence, Forrest, Henry and Alfie - you made Elsenham very proud.
Thank you to Elsie’s mum and Forrest’s mum for your help on the day too.


On Wednesday 13th March, 10 children visited JFAN's astroturf to compete in this year's Hockey Competition. After our initial matches, we were put into groups to play a further three matches, overall coming fourth. Through the tough competition, the team played each game with determination and skill, showing fantastic resilience and sportsmanship. A big well done to Henry, Thomas, Harrison, Raffy, Riley, Ronnie, Emily, Ella, Elsie and Peyton! 


On Thursday 14th March, some children from year 5 and 6 competed in a High 5 netball tournament at Saffron Walden County High School. The children played brilliantly and Mrs Carruthers was very proud of the fantastic progress they have made in the sport. They represented our school really well. Well done to Ella, Georgie, Verity, Florence, Dexter, Elsie, Rosie and Forrest - you are all sporting stars.

On Wednesday 12th June, some children from Key Stage 2 competed in an event called 'Quad Kids' at Joyce Frankland. They were split into two teams- Year 3 and 4 and Year 5 and 6. The teams worked together to collect points for Elsenham school. They participated in activities such as throwing the howler, standing long jump, sprints and long distance running. They made us very proud and showed great resilience throughout the event. Thank you to Charlie’ mum and Willow’s mum whose help on the day was invaluable.

On Thursday 4th July, some children from Year 3 and 4 participated in the Rapid Fire Cricket Finals. The sun was shining and Saffron Walden Cricket Club provided a perfect setting for a fun morning of cricket. The children played four games in total and impressed all the parents with their fantastic batting, throwing and catching skills. Well done to Jak, Bodie, Toby, Bertie, Alfie, Seb, Sarah, Scarlett and Lucy - you represented our school brilliantly. A special thank you to the wonderful parent spectators and especially to Bodie’s mum who scored all the matches- a tricky task indeed!

Overview of sporting success 2022-2023
