School Uniform
School Uniform
We expect all children to wear school uniform. It is comfortable, hard-wearing and smart. School uniform helps to encourage a sense of identity and belonging and we hope that parents will support the school by providing their child with the correct uniform and by ensuring that it is worn every day.
The uniform consists of:
Grey trousers or shorts, skirt or pinafore
White polo shirt* (EYFS & KS1), white shirt or blouse (KS2)
Bottle green sweatshirt or cardigan with or without school logo*
Tie (KS2 only) - available from the school office (cost is around £5)
White, black or grey socks, black or grey tights
Dark green fleece for outdoor wear* (optional)
Reversible waterproof jacket* (optional)
Summer variations:
- Green gingham or striped dress
- School cap
In the interests of safety as well as appearance, please help us by providing secure and suitable footwear for school. Shoes should be:
- low heeled
- enclosed toes
- black
Please make sure pupils have plimsolls or trainers for P.E. On occasion, we ask children to change shoes if their outdoor shoes are muddy.
P.E. Kit:
Bottle green t-shirt with or without school logo*
Black P.E. shorts
Plain black jogging bottoms and a plain dark grey or black zip up jumper
Plimsolls or trainers
Items marked with an asterisk * are available with our school logo and can be purchased directly from our supplier, School Trends via the link below.
Jewellery should be limited to a watch and either gold or silver studs if ears are pierced. All jewellery must be removed for P.E. lessons.
If hair is longer than shoulder length then it should be tied up with a black, brown or green hair tie. Hairbands and clips should only be used if needed (to keep hair from the eyes or for safety) and they must be discrete in nature. Hair should not be dyed.
Name Tags:
As a school, we recommend using:
School ID when ordering: 22670
It is essential that school items are labelled in order for their swift return, if misplaced.
All of the above are readily available from High Street shops at affordable prices. Items with logos are available from School Trends and will incur more of a cost.
Second-hand uniform is managed by FOES and can be purchased at regular school events throughout the year.