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In geography our aim is to inspire children’s curiosity as geographers to explore the world that they live in, and understand their place within it from a local level, to a global one.

We seek to deepen children’s understanding of the Earth’s physical forms and processes and how human activity has an impact on them.

Leaders in Learning


Our geography Leaders in Learning planned and delivered a lesson with a group of Year 3 children. They revised the locations of the world’s continents then tested the group’s place knowledge and skills using atlases to locate as many countries as possible.

Where does a river go?

Our Leaders in Learning for geography taught a group of Year 3s all about where a river begins and ends (and what happens in between!) this afternoon - 9th May. They showcased outdoor learning, using natural resources on a slope to build a river course and then labelled it together. The Leaders in Learning hope that it will support them when they learn all about rivers in Year 4.

Great Elsenham Treasure Hunt

Wednesday 12th June saw the Great Elsenham Treasure Hunt, where every child in the school took part in searching for a pirate’s hidden treasure! The children used maps to locate a series of clues which led them to a treasure chest filled with gold coins! The children used progressive map skills throughout the school from Reception up to Year 6 in order to find the clues' locations. The clues then created anagrams of the treasure’s locations.

The children had a great day and enjoyed getting out and about around the school to hunt for the treasure.

‘’It was really fun and felt like an achievement at the end because we found chocolate coins! We used 6 digit co-ordinates to find the clues.’’ - Grace and Molly in Year 6
