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The Hub

The Hub


Our Wellbeing Hub is a calm and quiet space where students can access short-term nurture interventions. These might be 1-1 sessions or group sessions.

‘The Hub is comfy, calm, spacious and relaxing. It’s a good place to go when you are feeling sad.’ Alfie and Diego (Year 6)

‘ I like the pretend dog. It’s a nice, comfy space to go when I am having a movement break.’ Elijah (Year 5)

‘I feel happy when I am in The Hub. It is bright and there are nice toys and games. The people there are always friendly and it’s a nice space for a chat.’ Olivia-Rose (Year 2)

Summer Term

Wednesday and Thursday mornings saw the start of our new Gym Trail sessions.

Gym Trail is a circuit of motor coordination activities carried out on a regular basis to provide support with movement and coordination.

The atmosphere in the sessions was calm and the children were very focused. Well done children- keep up the hard work!

The Hub Team
