The Hub
The Hub
Our Wellbeing Hub is a calm and quiet space where students can access short-term nurture interventions. These might be 1-1 sessions or group sessions.
‘The Hub is comfy, calm, spacious and relaxing. It’s a good place to go when you are feeling sad.’ Alfie and Diego (Year 6)
‘ I like the pretend dog. It’s a nice, comfy space to go when I am having a movement break.’ Elijah (Year 5)
‘I feel happy when I am in The Hub. It is bright and there are nice toys and games. The people there are always friendly and it’s a nice space for a chat.’ Olivia-Rose (Year 2)

Autumn Term
On Tuesday 17th September, Elsenham hosted a parents’ coffee morning. Thank you to parents who attended- it was wonderful to hear Jody and Tamara talk about what Autism Central can offer. Their website is full of FREE resources for parents/carers including virtual workshops, individual sessions with a peer educator and other events and meet ups.
Go to:
or email:
In September, Kierran from the Multi-Schools Council came to Elsenham to award our school with the Inclusion Bronze award. The HUB team and Inclusion Ambassadors worked very hard for this last year and this year we have set ourselves the new challenge of achieving the Silver Award. During an assembly, we introduced the Inclusion ambassadors for this year and they are Millie H, Josh S, Logan R, Sarah C, Poppy B and Isla S. They are very enthusiastic about their new role and motivated to make a difference. We also introduced Felicity Savage to the children, who is our Governing Inclusion Ambassador and we taught everyone our vision: We believe in ELVES- Equality, Listened to, Valued at Elsenham School.
We look forward to another successful year on inclusion at Elsenham.
Just before Christmas, some lucky golden ticket winners, from Willow Class, created a marvellous chocolate creation inspired by Lexi’s fantastic learning on Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Mrs Stimpson said they were a pleasure to bake with. Well done girls!