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Choir Club

What a phenomenal term the choir have had, culminating in a village performance, a school performance and our lovely voices being used to help set the Christmas mood at the FOES bazaar.

They have worked so hard week in, week out and their enthusiasm radiates. We hope that this shines through in the two videos that you can find on this page.

We are all very proud of you!

- Mrs McCraith

Choir Club Performance Friday 8th December 2023

Still image for this video
Away in a Manger

Choir Club Performance Friday 8th December 2023

Still image for this video
What Can I Bring?

Eco Club and our Eco Warriors 

In Spring 1, the Eco reps completed their litter pick around school.  "We found loads of litter including cereal bar wrappers, fruit peelings and broken bits of play equipment.". Next term, each class has been allocated a week to spend five minutes after morning breaks to do a litter pick. We hope that this will raise the awareness of the importance of putting litter in one of the four bins on the playground and it being everyone's responsibility, not just the Eco reps.








At the start of Summer term, the Eco team completed another major litter pick. High winds and neighbouring building sites meant that their skills were required. A great job by all!

Inclusion Ambassadors

On Thursday 15th February,  the Inclusion Ambassadors took part in the ‘Good Seeker Training’. They were tasked with evaluating how inclusive our school is. They found lots of positives and even a few improvements that they would like to introduce to the school this coming year. Kierran (the organiser) said that they were a pleasure to work with and awarded them all with certificates for their great contributions and hard work.

Well done Inclusion Ambassadors!

- The Hub Team

