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Cedar - Year 2

Welcome to Cedar - Year 2!

Welcome to Autumn Term



We have begun our maths learning this term with place value. This is where we learn to recognise tens and ones. We have been able to represent numbers up to 100 in lots of ways, for example using base 10, numicon and tens frames. We love using practical lessons to help us – here we are flexibly partitioning numbers using a whole part-part model.



In P.E. we have been actively engaged in developing our football skills during our outdoor P.E. lessons. Through various skills building activities we have been developing our teamwork, agility and sportsmanship. As we continue through the term we will introduce the idea of attacking and defending.



We can wait to make our moving monsters this term in D.T. We have begun the unit by talking about our favourite toys and analysing items we use daily as to whether they have levers, linkages and pivots. So far we have created functional linkages that produce the desired input and output motions. For this we had to follow instructions cutting our card to the correct length, create holes and use split pins. Our next step is to design and make our monsters move- we can’t wait for you to see what we create!

Meet The Teacher Slides
