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Inclusion Ambassadors

Meet our Inclusion Ambassadors!


At Elsenham C. of E. Primary school we have six Inclusion Ambassadors from Years 5 and 6. They wear special orange badges and their role is to make sure everyone at our school feels equal, listened to and valued.


Our Inclusion Ambassadors have been very busy representing our school at Multi-Schools Council meetings at various schools in the local area. Find out more about the Multi-Schools Council and what they offer at


Our Inclusion Ambassadors have received Good Seekers Training and completed an audit of Elsenham School. The school scored 4 out of 5 stars and the Inclusion Ambassadors have three items they would like to improve by the end of the year. Watch this space to see if they achieve their plans!


Inclusion Review

On 16th January 2024, we welcomed two Reviewers into our school to evaluate our inclusive practice. We were keen to celebrate our successes, which include our pastoral support, strong relationships between adults and pupils, adaptive teaching, staff wellbeing and development of resilience.

On Monday 10th June, the Inclusion Ambassadors led a great assembly to the whole school about ‘Believing in Yourself’.  They spoke clearly, confidently and delivered their message extremely well. The Hub Team, along with all the staff, were very proud of how well they shone in front of their peers. Well done Inclusion Ambassadors- keep up the great work in ensuring that the world becomes a more inclusive place.
