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Inclusion Ambassadors

Meet our Inclusion Ambassadors!


At Elsenham C. of E. Primary school we have six Inclusion Ambassadors from Years 5 and 6. They wear special orange badges and their role is to make sure everyone at our school feels equal, listened to and valued.


Our Inclusion Ambassadors have been very busy representing our school at Multi-Schools Council meetings at various schools in the local area. Find out more about the Multi-Schools Council and what they offer at


Our Inclusion Ambassadors have received Good Seekers Training and completed an audit of Elsenham School. The school scored 4 out of 5 stars and the Inclusion Ambassadors have three items they would like to improve by the end of the year. Watch this space to see if they achieve their plans!


Inclusion Review

On 16th January 2024, we welcomed two Reviewers into our school to evaluate our inclusive practice. We were keen to celebrate our successes, which include our pastoral support, strong relationships between adults and pupils, adaptive teaching, staff wellbeing and development of resilience.

On Tuesday 1st October, we went to Stebbing School for a Multi-Schools Council Inclusion Ambassador meeting. We were excited to rename it as an “Ideas Party”!

We talked about how we can help children with disabilities and with their mental health. Some children in our school have One Plans, and we agreed that we would like to be more involved at meetings. We were excited to meet other schools and even make some new friends.

Our next meeting will be on Tuesday 3rd December at Elsenham School. It’s going to be fun!

Written by your Inclusion Ambassadors – Josh, Sarah, Logan, Millie, Poppy and Isla

On Tuesday 2nd December, the Inclusion Ambassadors lead the whole school assembly to celebrate International Day of People with Disabilities. They spoke about how important it is for us all to reduce the barriers that people with disabilities face. They showed all the pupils an inspiring music video – Yes I can - and reminded all the children about ELVES (Equal, Listened to, Valued at Elsenham School).

Well done Inclusion Ambassadors, the Hub Team are extremely proud of you.


Following this, our Inclusion Ambassadors hosted a Multi-Schools Council meeting. Six schools joined us to discuss topics such as crime, future MSC events and children’s rights. A representative from Essex County Council said, “It’s the highlight of my week. I was so impressed with the group, they were an absolute delight and it was a privilege to listen to their thoughts and ideas, they are an absolute credit to you all as schools and to their parents.”

A big shout out to Millie in Year 6 who has been chosen to join the Multi-School Council as a county-wide inclusion ambassador. We know she will do an amazing job!

Congratulations to Millie who has been invited to become an Inclusion Ambassador for the whole of Essex. This is because she has shown great enthusiasm during the Uttlesford District Meeting and is committed to making the world a more inclusive place for people with SEND needs.

Well done Millie, we are extremely proud of you.
